You are special because God created you in His image. The concept of social justice will be explored.
Fourth Grade’s Main Theme
Read: You are Special by Max Lucado to the class. Review main concepts:
How is Eli like God?
What does Eli think about his creations?
What does God think about us?
Does God love us more if we are good at sports, school or when we are gifted in other ways?
Does God love us less if we are less than perfect?
I have other pictures to show you. Pretend you are at the beach. You are enjoying the sand and water and someone walks past you. Would you notice if these were the feet that passed by? (Show adult feet) Now, what would you think if these were the feet that passed by? (Show Mother Teresa’s feet)
Sometimes society would lead us to believe that there are some groups of people that are less important than other groups: the elderly, people with physical or mental disabilities, people who are very sick and will not get better. We know this is not true. We know that God created everyone, and they have a special gift and purpose in life. We need to show these people God’s love and to help them when we can. These feet belong to Mother Teresa. She was an excellent example of loving everyone no matter how sick they were or what they looked like.
The world often values people for what they can do rather than who they are, and because of this, another group that is sometimes not valued are pre-born babies. Because these babies are so small and unseen, some people don’t understand how very special they are and what potential they have.
(Show Fetal Models) We know these babies are important and deserve to be born. That’s why we say we are pro-life, we are for life!
Now, we will watch a video about a boy who was born with challenges to overcome.
We are all unique and special
God created each of us and loves us for who we are
We need to share Christ’s love with everyone regardless of his or her size or ability.
Physical Book or E-Book: You are Special by Max Lucado
The Helper Boy Video
Soft Fetal model babies
Video Explanation (4.17 min)
Mother Theresa’s Feet Image
“The Helper Boy” Video