Our Story

A mother with young children, and a grandmother with over twenty-five years of teaching experience, collaborated to bring you this website and content. This is their story:

We became aware of how much violence children are exposed to, even when media violence is monitored: Children watch others get into fights, hear racial slurs, and are exposed to other messages of hate and degradation. 

We wanted to counter this message as much as possible in our homes and schools. When we observed children being "mean" to their peers, we knew it was not because they "are mean." Children need to see and hear love, respect and kindness being modeled. 

To dispel the darkness of the culture of death, we need Jesus, the Light that shines in the darkness. With the help of amazing moms, teachers, and friends, we started to develop a program that would encourage children to see how precious life is throughout their lifespan. 

Our program has grown over the years; there are always new ideas and resources. We want to encourage you to use this program as a springboard.  You will begin to see beautiful things happen in your school and your community. There is a lot more beauty and goodness out there than you might think. 

Pope St. John Paul II said that because people were made in the image and likeness of God, human beings have a right to be loved as persons and never used as things. We respect our own dignity by refusing to allow ourselves to be used by others. We respect the dignity of others by refusing to use them or treat them as things. The only appropriate response to any human person — ourselves or others — is love. Kids as little as ages three or four can already tell the difference between real love, respect, and disrespect. 


Jesus came that we might have life—and have it in abundance. He formed us in our mothers' wombs and called us to love him for all eternity. Help us to protect and cherish all those around us, especially those whose lives are most vulnerable.