A Person is a Person No Matter How Small
Kindergarten’s Main Theme
The child will know God wants them to have a sacred respect for life and their job is to find the “specialness” in each human being.
Talking points:
Look around at your classmates. Some have blond hair; some have brown hair. Some have curly hair, and some have straight hair. Some children have blue eyes, some have brown eyes, some even have green eyes! None of those things makes one person more special than the other. Every single person is already special because God created them!
Now think about your family. Do you know anyone who is bigger than you are? (Wait for answers from the children) Who is the biggest person you know? Who is the smallest person? Who is stronger than you? Are they more important than you are? Is a bigger person more important than a smaller person? (a child may think an adult is more important because they are older, but age doesn’t make them more valuable).
Use soft fetal models for explanation. Pass the models around and each child can hold the baby for just a few seconds (encourage them to cuddle or ‘rock’ the baby). Explain the tiniest model is just as valuable to God as the biggest model, because each is a new life, created by God.
Repeat after me...” A person is a person no matter how small.” (You can make a game out of this by saying the phrase and leaving out a word and waiting for the children to guess the missing word. Ex. “A person is a person no matter how_____.” Or “A person is a ______ no matter how _____.”
Each person was once a teeny unseen baby created by God. Every human being was created by God and loved by God, no matter who they are.
Soft Fetal Models
Video Explanation (4.11 min)
Soft Fetal Models Image