Before you were born- a look at life before birth
Second Grade’s main theme
Now, I’m going to read a story called, Angel in the Waters. Listen carefully, because I am going to ask you some questions about the story after I read it.
Questions after the story:
Who is the angel? (Guardian angel)
Where was the person? (inside their mother’s womb or belly or tummy)
How did the person change over time? (They grew bigger)
What are some things this person did in his/her special home? (They swam around,sucked their thumb, slept, ate, talked to their guardian angel, etc.)
What are some sounds this person heard? (their heartbeat and their mom’s heartbeat, sounds outside the womb, etc.)
How did the angel help this person? (The angel comforted the baby)
When did the angel leave the person? (never)
This angel was one of God’s messengers for the preborn baby!
How can we be a messenger for God? (Pray for the unborn and the health of all mothers and babies. Collect baby toys and items for places that help moms with their babies. Tell people that pre-born babies are just as special and wonderful as everyone else.)
Additional Book
Little Spark of Life by Courtney Siebring
Physical or Digital Book: Angel in the Waters
Physical or Digital Book: Little Spark of Life
Soft Fetal model babies
Angel In The Waters E-Book (11.40 min)
Video Explanation (4.17 min)