All God’s children are Precious. Human Dignity in Catholic Tradition.
Seventh & Eighth grade’s Main Theme
Our mission is to defend human life, to love as God loves.
Learning to value your own dignity (self-image, identity). Love of God, love of self, love of others.
A person’s right to live begins at the very beginning of his or her existence, which is at conception, and extends to natural death. That human life begins at conception—which is not merely a religious belief, but a scientific and biological fact—has important implications for when human life should be protected.
That every human person possesses an infinite dignity, a truth recently reiterated in the Vatican document Dignitas Infinita approved by Pope Francis this past spring.
The document reaffirms that each person holds infinite dignity simply because “he or she exists and is willed, created, and loved by God,” and that this dignity is “indelible and remains valid beyond any circumstances in which the person may find themselves.”
As we learn from the Holy Father that “human beings possess an intrinsic worth superior to that of material objects and contingent situations,” the result is a greater appreciation for our neighbor and how we treat one another.
God created each person in His likeness with an immortal soul.
How do I protect and respect those around me? In my family? In my school?
What can I do to protect the most vulnerable, the unborn, the disable, the elderly?
Seventh - Eight Grade Video Explanation
“Precious One” soft model with card, one per student.
Seventh & Eight Grade Video Explanation (10.52 min)
Precious One Soft Fetal Model At 10-12 Weeks Gestation.