All God’s children are Precious.
Human Dignity in Catholic Tradition.
Seventh & Eighth grade’s Main Theme
“In comparison with all the other living beings that populate the earth
man has an unmistakable originality. He is presented as the one unique
being, endowed with intelligence and free will, as well as consisting
of material reality. He lives simultaneously and inseparably in both
the spiritual and the corporal dimension. God loves us deeply, totally
and without making distinctions. He calls us to friendship with him,
he makes us part of a reality beyond every imagination and every
thought and word: his divine life itself (...)
the human being is capable of understanding and of wanting, conscious
of himself and free, unrepeatable and irreplaceable, the summit of all
earthly realities, and who demands to be recognized as a value in
himself and deserves always to be accepted with respect and love. He is
entitled not to be treated as an object to be possessed or a thing to
be manipulated at will, and not to be exploited as a means for the
benefit of others and their interests”.
-Pope Benedict XVI

*Note to presenter
At this age we have experienced that the students embrace the message more fully and are more open when it is presented by a "new" person. Students are more apt to take the message to heart from someone mature who is a few years older than them or someone that they are not used to seeing and listening to on a regular basis.
Talk to your Priest or Pastor. They might be able to help you find someone in your area who is engaging; someone who might be involved in the pro-life movement and/or does youth ministry who might be willing to come and give the main presentation.
We are providing you with some basic ideas for this age level as a springboard. We always try to keep the message positive: Humanizing the unborn, humanizing the mother; the importance of knowing what we believe and what should our response be?
Remember to pray for the students and teach them to pray.
"Pray, my children. God will answer before long. My Son lets himself be moved" -Our Lady of Pontram.
"Above all, trust in the slow work of God".- Patient Trust: A Prayer by Teilhard de Chardin
The seventh & Eighth grades are together for program. It comprises three parts.
*We recommend spending 1 to 2 hours with this age group.